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            Ciao, grazie e arrivederci ..







        Almost  23 years ago, we started this wonderfull journey :



        our little Sardinian restaurant in Sint-Martens-Latem...

              but  yes, sometimes also the best things have to come to an end.


It has been  an incredible journey, full of hard work, commitments  and dedication we put into every dish we served,  a legacy of  flavors  we have shared ,  and also brought  the  tradition  and the spirit of our Sardinian hospitality.


The laughter and joy that filled our restaurant will forever be etched in our hearts. It became soon a house full of "amici "!


And as we say ARRIVEDERCI  to our beloved Dolce far Niente ristorante, we do so with GRATITUDE for the love and support of our loyal customers from 2002 until today.




 Non è un Addio ancora, ma vorremmo  ringraziare i tantisssimi clienti da 2002, che  in tanti in realtà sono diventati  anche nostri amici ,  di aver reso possibile questa bellissima storia. 

     Farete per SEMPRE parte della storia del  nostro piccolo ristorante  Dolce far Niente...

 Speriamo di poter salutarvi e ringraziarvi  personalmente ancora qui ,  a presto?


 This is not a forever Goodbye , but we would like to thank  our many customers, who actually almost all  became friends, because YOU all made this beautiful story possible.You will forever be part of our Dolce far Niente ristorante story ...


                                                    GRAZIE MILLE , di cuore  

                                                        sue, raffaele, matteo









about Sue and Raffaele

When Sue arrived in Sardegna, she fell in love with both the beautiful Italian island and  her partner Raffaele. They moved to Belgium and, as they both love to cook, they opened the ristorante Dolce Far Niente where for many years they served delicious Mediterranean and Sardinian food made with only fresh ingredients.


After 18 happy years  of Dolce Far Niente it was time for a brand new concept and name: the cozy garden area             La p'tite Cabane !                                                             A savoury lunch or a new coffee & tea experience that  turned into an aperitivo date,  an artisanal Italian gelato on the cheerful and sunny patios. Everybody loved it! 

                                                                                          During fall and wintertime  it was  the inviting space around the enchanting fireplace that welcomed everybody in a compfy atmosphere for an aperitivo or also some  afterdinner  time.


After almost 23 years of welcoming so many italian &  sardinian foodies, they decided it was time to enjoy their  own "dolcefarniente" now

so, on 01.01.2025 we retired


You will still find us around our little restaurant, cause there is still a lot do until we get organised to transform the restaurant into a cosy home...




Screenshot 2021-01-29 at 11.12.06.png

© Marc-Pieter Devos



This is the best Italian, sorry Sardinian, restaurant I have ever been too. The cooking is out-of-this-world fantastic with taste combinations that blew my mind. The best thing you can do is let the restaurant guide you and tell you what you want to eat. They made out Christmas party so special. Absolutely amazing!!

— Middy77




I used to live in the neighboring village and wanted to try this out. We had an amazing evening with delicious food and very nice service. You are basically eating in what feels like a living room. Very special and different. This is the first time ever for me to write a review online for anything, but for this one I wanted to go out of my way. We highly recommend it!

— EvaMTop


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